Jordan Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ)

Jordan Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ)
JAA contributed to a USAID project that worked with both the public and private sectors to enhance economic competitiveness and productivity in Jordan in workforce development and training, public- private policy dialogue, business association formation and capacity building, regional development, provision of market access domestically and internationally, and development of economic leadership councils among secondary cities. This assistance has been provided in such sectors as Energy, Water & Environment (including EDAMA, which promoted renewable energy), Information Communications Technology/Business Process Outsourcing, Packaging, Medical Services, and Light Manufacturing. JAA carried out leadership mapping in Jordan early in the project to ensure all key government and business leaders were included as stakeholders throughout the program. JAA led the Enhancing Productivity component of the program, coordinating the sector leads and developing project activities in the areas of productivity improvement, while also identifying appropriate cross-cutting activities. JAA also carried out a number of short-term technical assistance activities aimed at improving productivity within specific sectors. For example, JAA carried out the strategy development in the cities of Irbid and Karak (as part of the local economic development sector) in order to provide those areas with targeted approaches to economic growth. JAA also provided sector-specific assistance such as training in international best practices for pharmaceuticals packaging and BPO mentoring to provide guidance to the ICT sector in outsourcing. JAA’s technical assistance was expected to increase investment in R&D as a percentage of GDP, decrease the incremental capital-output ratio to the world average, increase facility in anticipating and taking advantage of the opportunities in the global economy, increase the number of Vocational Training Corporation (VTC) trainees with employable skills, increase productivity, increase employment, and increase in the number of local and/or international patents produced by Jordanians. JAA led the development of a strategy for the water, environment and renewable energy industries, emphasizing mobilization of entrepreneurs to foster innovation, and participated in the creation of an Angel Investing and capital network to support these entrepreneurs. JAA also prepared the strategy, institutional plan and work plan outline for the capital network. JAA’s involvement in SABEQ helped spur the following results:
- More than 1,400 Jordanian youth entering the labor market as a result of trainings and job fairs
- More than 410 small and medium enterprises reported enhanced business prospects
- Value of exports from Jordan to U.S. and non-Jordan markets increased by $78 million
- The creation of an internship program at the Information Technology Association of Jordan
Duration: 2006-2011